FORGET TRYING TO BE AN EXPERT, A BEGINNER’S MIND IS WHAT ALLOWS US TO CREATIVELY MOVE OURSELVES FORWARD. BY FAISAL HOQUE | January 9, 2015 What kind of mind do you want? What kind of mind do you want your team to have? If you want to be thought an expert—you may favor having a full mind. After […]
Why Simplicity Is So Complex
The key to solving complex problems may be to simplify as much as possible and approach them with a beginner’s mind.
Highlighted Publications of 2014
Along with one of the highly acclaimed must read business books “Everything Connects”; in 2014 Shadoka founder Faisal Hoque also published several dozen articles. These are some of his most trended publications on entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, and leadership of 2014. These publications have been read and shared by thousands of readers globally.
Big Idea 2015: Rethinking Leadership for Creativity & Innovation
Learn to lead in ways that help rather than tell people to grow and align personal motivations with what your company needs.
How Entrepreneurs Can Develop Grit, The Most Important Trait Of Successful People
Entrepreneurship will throw challenge after challenge at you, but it’s possible to power through successfully.
How Lego Survived Against All Odds—And You Can, Too
Survival in life or in business has always been about the human journey. Find out how Lego and its founder Ole Kirk Christiansen found the strength to rebuild over and over again with persistence, purpose, and reinvention.
Lessons On Mindfulness With Thought Leader Faisal Hoque
This timely wisdom comes from the heart of an unlikely yet self-proclaimed student of life, Faisal Hoque, who is in the business of innovation and new ventures.
“Everything Connects” Book Review, Entrepreneur ME Magazine
If there is a single line in this book that sums up what the author thinks of leadership, it is this: “Leadership is a way of owning the impact that you and your organization is going to have on the world.” Pick this one up when you want to challenge the champions of the old way of doing things, and perhaps encourage them to think in new ways.
10 Things Everyone Should Know Before Becoming An Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs are often very hard on themselves. For many, even though it may be easy to show compassion to others, it may be hard to accept, embrace, and be compassionate toward ourselves.