Travel & Food

A Life of Exploration

My journey as a life explorer has been a story of growth, connection, and self-discovery. Leaving Bangladesh at 17 to study in the United States was my first bold step into a world screaming with infinite possibilities, igniting a lifelong adventure that would profoundly shape my identity and worldview.

From the dusty roads of Tanzania to the elegance of Paris and the timeless charm of London, from the sacred streets of Jerusalem to the ancient history of Amman, the rich treasures of Florence, the serene temples of Kyoto, the vibrant life of Bombay, and the dynamic energy of New York City—each journey enriched my soul, painted a picture of our world’s diverse beauty and culture.

The great Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī once said, “Travel brings power and love back into your life.” These words resonate deeply with my experiences. Each journey I embarked upon reinvigorated my spirit, rekindled my passion for life and deepened my connection to humanity.

One of my most transformative experiences unfolded in Japan, where I strayed from the typical tourist routes. I ventured into the lesser-known parts of the country, ultimately finding myself at a Buddhist monastery. This unexpected detour sparked a profound internal shift. Immersed in ancient wisdom, I discovered the power of practicing mindfulness and the art of living in the present moment. My first-hand encounter with Zen philosophy reshaped my perspective on life and work.
Travel, to me, is a holistic experience that illuminates the interconnectedness of all things. Each destination unfolds its unique story through culture, traditions, and human interactions, enriching our understanding of the world and our place in it.
Anthony Bourdain’s words have always resonated with me: “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you.” This reflects the necessity of embracing change and life’s unpredictability.
My journey from a young student to a global explorer has been a continuous cycle of change, learning and reinvention. Each experience has carved a path toward greater self-awareness, reminding me of the beauty found in adversity, joy, and our shared humanity.
My love for cooking flourished alongside my passion for travel, transforming each journey into a culinary exploration. As I ventured across continents, I was drawn to the heart of local food scenes – from bustling markets and lively street food stalls to welcoming home kitchens. Every destination became a gastronomic adventure, offering a unique chance to taste flavors that tell the story of a place and its people.
I discovered that food is a powerful storyteller, capable of conveying the full spectrum of human experience. Each dish became a narrative, revealing layers of cultural history and tradition, seasoned with the joys and sorrows of generations.
My journeys continue to define my life as I try to embrace the wisdom of being present, seeing the interconnectedness of all, and turning every experience into growth.

A Life of Flavors

As I stand in my kitchen, surrounded by the spices and fresh vegetables, I am reminded of the profound impact that cooking has had on my life. My passion for cooking is more than just a hobby; it’s a journey of care and connection–a means to share love and joy with others.
I was introduced to cooking when I started college, out of necessity. Since then, I have traveled many miles, experienced many cuisines, and cooked many meals. Along the way, I have learned a few things about food, the process of cooking, and the impact it makes on our mind, body, and soul during good times and bad times. Food is the most fundamental of needs for our survival, and almost every major event in our lives revolves around it. It plays a vital role in the development of social interactions and social relationships. I find food to be sacred, and the process of making food to be awakening and insightful.

My journey has taken me to many parts of the world, from the charming patisseries of Paris to the umami-rich izakayas of Tokyo. Each destination has offered a unique culinary adventure, a chance to discover flavors that tell the story of a place and its people. I’ve shared some of these adventures on my food site, Piquant Plates, where I on and off explore the intersection of food, culture, and travel.

In my article, How Learning to Cook Can Boost Your Creativity, I explored the ways in which cooking can foster creativity and mindfulness. I wrote, “Ritualistic cooking can enhance mindfulness. My affinity with mindful living is not grounded in any kind of scientific research — rather from constant self-analysis. I have found cooking is a means towards that journey of mindfulness.”
I also discussed the importance of conscious openness in the creative process, noting, “Conscious openness is at the heart of any creative process. I don’t ever follow a recipe for my cooking. I like to experiment, mix and match, and “design” my meals. I make my decisions based on availability, my eating companions, and the hour of the day.”
I’ve come to believe that cooking is a way to create a sense of community and connection that transcends borders and cultures.

In the words of renowned chef Thomas Keller, “A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe.” This quote captures the essence of my approach to cooking – embracing the joy and pleasure of food, while also appreciating the authenticity of a well-prepared meal. It’s a way to cultivate conscious openness, experiment with new flavors and techniques, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
