To Exist Is to Change


In some cases, it is natural mortality, as the product or service is no longer needed, but the secret reason rarely mentioned is the reluctance or inability to adapt to change. Why? What’s so bad about change?

March 6, 2014 |  by Faisal Hoque

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”

— Henri Bergson

Tomorrow is today. If we or our organizations are waiting for things to get better, we’re missing the point: It’s up to us to make things better now.

Change is the key factor in achieving personal and/or organizational goals. Without change there can be no progress.

Innovation is the vital ingredient in the individual or institution’s ability to make effective and practical use of change. It is the great “what if” factor in decision-making, and the entity’s raison d’etre to move forward and stay abreast of the turbulent and constantly changing times.

Sustainability is the manifestation of health and growth, but also diversity: Indeed, it is made up in large part of change and innovation.

This trinity of objectives for meaningful economic, institutional and social progress represents the most sought-after attributes of individuals and organizations.

Transformation is driven by an acknowledged need to grow and change, followed by thinking differently about the old ways and means.

Read the full article @HuffPost.

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