The Difference Between Wanting And Having To Work
This distinction is rooted in the balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and your company’s culture will dictate how your employees feel about coming to work.
5 Classic Books That Have Inspired Innovative Thinking Throughout Time
“Innovation”, “mindfulness”, and “creativity” are terms we hear a lot these days, but where did they come from? These five books helped shape generations of thinkers, and their lessons still apply today.
Why Are Some People More Creative Than Others?
The short answer is, it’s complicated. But there are some tangible traits that separate a bank teller from an artist.
Here’s How To Keep Your Company From Getting Crushed By The Next Big Thing
Innovation is not a single moment of catharsis, upheaval, or revamping. It is not a change in the form of a one-hit product; instead, it is a continuous process.
How To Map Out Your Decision-Making
Mapping out of your decisions is a way of alleviating hindsight bias and gives you a more granular understanding of how you work.
How Taking A Detour Can Actually Lead To Greater Innovation
The “father of microsurgery” can teach us a few things about innovation. For one thing, the road to getting there is a journey full of detours, not a straight trajectory.
Why You Must Be Constantly Changing In Order To Succeed
If you or your organization isn’t evolving, you are in danger of failing.
To Exist Is to Change
Tomorrow is today. If we or our organizations are waiting for things to get better, we’re missing the point: It’s up to us to make things better now.
Fast Company :: Live Chat With the Authors of “Everything Connects”
On Friday, February 14th at 12pm ET Join Fast Company’s leadership editor Kathleen Davis as she interviews authors (and Fast Company contributors) Drake Baer and Faisal Hoque. Join Fast Company contributors Faisal Hoque and Drake Baer for a conversation with Fast Company Leadership editor Kathleen Davis — they’ll be discussing what it means to truly be a […]