10k Interview: Why “Talent Clusters” And Side Projects Are Good For Business

We are nearly two decades into the 21st century and finding meaning in your work (both in and out of the office) has become all but a way of life. Faisal Hoque shares his thoughts on what businesses can do to accommodate this new way of working.
Dating Ideas: Getting Practical About Courting Creativity and Innovation

The creativity-spurring benefits of diverse experiences (and diverse individuals) can be realized at both an individual and an organizational level.
InfoGraph: How To Create A Culture Of Innovation

Successful businesses manage innovation from concept to commercialization. Here’s how to bring this understanding to your company culture.
Five Mindsets That Have Helped Successful People Bounce Back From Failure

Who doesn’t love chocolate? And we all know Hershey’s — but perhaps we don’t all know the story of the famous chocolate company’s founder, Milton Hershey.
tED Magazine: What Does Innovation Look Like in Action?

“Innovation isn’t just about coming up with the next cool product,” says Hoque, a serial entrepreneur, founder of SHADOKA, and author of the books Everything Connects and Survive to Thrive.
What Every Entrepreneur Should Know Before Taking Any Outside Investment

The Hard Truths About Seeking Outside Investment.
tED Magazine: Change is Inevitable. Creating a Fluid Corporate Culture

Serial entrepreneur and noted author Faisal Hoque shows how to create a innovative-based corporate culture that truly meets your customers’ needs.
How Do We Create Long Lasting Value?

The implicit — and explicit — expectation is that businesses should “do good” for others, should create something valuable to the world. The question, of course, is how?
How Curiosity Cultivates Creativity

A lesson from the life of Leonardo da Vinci about how observing the world around you can lead to creative breakthroughs.