How Curiosity Cultivates Creativity
A lesson from the life of Leonardo da Vinci about how observing the world around you can lead to creative breakthroughs.
The One Thing Entrepreneurial People Never Do
What entrepreneurial-minded people have most of all — above inspiration, focus, skills, financing, brilliant ideas, etc. — is that they never give up.
“Survive to Thrive” Highlighted on Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO)
Entrepreneurs are praised for their triumphs, but what about their struggles and the journeys that brought them to success?
Want to Lead? Enable Others to Flourish
Our treatment of each other as humans is what ultimately brings success. Here are five ideas from our book “Everything Connects – How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Creativity, Innovation and Sustainability” for connecting with the people to move your initiatives forward.
Success Is In Belief
Changing self-doubt into self-belief is a choice. We are answerable for ourselves. Only we can change what and who we are.
7 Methods To Overcome Your Fear of Failure
Self-sabotage is any behavior, thought, emotion, or action that holds you back. Here’s how to stop sabotaging ourselves.
How Highly-Resilient People Survive to Thrive
Mental toughness comes from compassion and vulnerability. Vulnerability can be defined as the diminished capacity to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact of a hostile situation. Compassion means, “to suffer together.”
The 10 Important Things I’ve Learned About Building An Entrepreneurial Mindset
We are all constantly forced to reinvent, and that takes entrepreneurial thinking with deliberate mindset, habits, and surroundings.
9 Incredible Lessons From Movies That Could Change Your Life
Inspiration can come from anywhere and anyone. Mine often comes from books and movies — books and movies that combine life stories with a spiritual journey.