Our ‘Intent’ is Our Destiny

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Photo: Atlantic Dawn by William Vann

I, for one, have always believed that destiny is something we choose to go after…whereas fate is something that happens to us. Fate leads us back towards the choice of which destiny we ought to pursue.

Destiny is our ‘Intent’ — our spiritual will; our innate need to survive/thrive; something that drives us to do what seems impossible. It nurtures us with hope in our darkest moments; enables us to dream of better days, and resides in a place where we are destined to find our fulfillment. It is what we are here on earth to achieve. It is our inner consciousness that guides us. It is our aspirations. It is our need to “go” somewhere and make a difference. It belongs to every single person on this planet.

In bad times it’s easy to think that fate is unkind and unfair in its approach to teaching us harsh lessons. It hurts, but sadly it is often only through hardship that we discover our inner strength and capabilities to achieve greatness. Despite our darkest moments, it is our duty to do our best to reach our destiny.

We rarely listen for or hear the answers, for they don’t come as a roaring lion. Answers can only be heard by getting to know ourselves really well; finding out what we really want and going after it with complete commitment; believing in ourselves and our capabilities, and learning to listen to our own intuition – our inner voice – that is trying to show us the way to survival, success, and happiness.

At the end, our honest intent is our destiny!  On this particular New Year’s Eve, let us be awake with good intentions for a new dawn — as it will lead us to our destiny.

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