Leadership | Management

Our Message Is Our Brand

It doesn’t matter if you’re a political leader, an entrepreneur, or a corporate CEO. Regardless of title or industry, your message matters. All leaders must communicate the right message at all times.

Do You Really Understand What Your Business Model Is?

Before we can build even the most basic financial model, we have to first make some important assumptions (which industry to compete in, who the customers are, etc.) that preclude the unbiased, big picture that is integral to our purposes.

Re-thinking the “Business” of Government

It has been my observation from talking to public sector executives and operational leaders that the greatest inhibitor to change stems from the environment that drives the “business” of government.

To Lead Others, Learn To Lead Yourself First

Envisioning a better future, setting worthy goals, and following through with sustainable impact first and foremost requires leading yourself. Often leadership is a lonely road. And to keep ourselves inspired, motivated, and energized we need to lead ourselves with our heart, purpose, and devotion.
