Bend, Not Break: 9 Powerful Traits of Resilient People

Resilient people develop a mental capacity that allows them to adapt with ease during adversity, bending like bamboo instead of breaking. They possess a set of powerful traits. I’ve shared some of these traits separately in my previous posts; in this article, I wanted to bring them all together.
5 Principles for Building Better Partnerships

Nobody succeeds in a silo. To survive and ultimately thrive we must effectively create partnerships with many around us.
Everything Connects: An Interview with Faisal Hoque

Being holistic and humanistic is key to a great life and doing great work.
11 Expert Tips To Help You Be More Productive In 2014

Who doesn’t want to figure out how to get more done? Or get things done more efficiently? We asked some of the most productive people we know how you can tackle the New Year’s work. BY KATHLEEN DAVIS | January 2, 2014 ESCAPE INTO SINGLE-TASKING Author and entrepreneur Faisal Hoque has mastered the art of doing one thing at […]
10 Paradoxical Traits of Creative People

Creative people are humble and proud. Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted. Creative people are rebellious and conservative. How creative are you?
Empowering Ourselves Through Others

We never know whom we may inspire or influence, or who may inspire and influence us. Today’s stranger may be tomorrow’s partner.
To Lead Others, Learn To Lead Yourself First

Envisioning a better future, setting worthy goals, and following through with sustainable impact first and foremost requires leading yourself. Often leadership is a lonely road. And to keep ourselves inspired, motivated, and energized we need to lead ourselves with our heart, purpose, and devotion.
Finding A Common Language For Business Innovation

Organizations need a common language that’s bound by common objectives to create business value from innovation. Here is a framework to get you started.
How Any Company Can Harness Global Growth In 2013

China’s economy will surpass that of the U.S. by 2030. Here’s how to break new ground on sustainable growth and innovation globally.