Everything Connects Audiobook Released
How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Creativity, Innovation and Sustainability
How Interconnected Devices Are Re-Shaping Businesses
IoT isn’t something you can ignore and hope that it just goes away. The organizations that will take the time to apply IoT to gather data, analyze it, and turn it into actionable insights will gain a competitive advantage over those that don’t.
Cross-Boundary Collaboration for Sustained Innovation
Successful innovation depends upon input from a wide range of people in collaboration, sharing ideas, comparing observations, offering wide-ranging perspectives from their diverse viewpoints, and brainstorming solutions to complex problems.
Want To Increase The Odds Of Your Startup Success? Don’t Forget The Past
Think only of the future and cease analyzing past experience at your own peril.
How Highly Resilient People Survive to Thrive
Resilience is the universal human capacity to face, overcome, and even be strengthened by experiences of adversity — bending like bamboo instead of breaking.
Big Data: How To Know If Your Organization Is Ready
Use this 7-step maturity model to find your organization’s current state, and then use it to define your roadmap for big data implementation.
Can You Survive To Thrive In Ever Shifting Global Economy?
How to create critical strategies, sustain innovation, apply cost competitiveness, and transform businesses. Insights from Renee Mauborgne, John Kao, Steven Rattner, and Faisal Hoque.
Mastering The Difficult Art Of Letting Go
Letting go is a difficult skill that requires deep self-awareness, willpower, and repeated practice.
Want Success? Court Serendipity
Conversations about serendipity, synchronicity, and chance encounters are never ending and have been going on for hundreds of years. That’s because most treasures in life come in accidental occurrences.