If People Don’t Change, They Won’t Survive
Success or failure is a journey: what is today’s success is tomorrow’s failure and what is today’s failure is tomorrow’s success. Building up on a diversity of experiences is something that we all need to embrace if we want to succeed in the long run.No matter where you are in your path, do not look at it as a destination, look at it as a foundation for your next journey.
Why Connecting With Yourself Matters
Life is a process of ongoing transformation spurred by the interlinked qualities of curiosity, purpose, and courage. Whether or not we ask it to, the journey of life can make us strong, teach us to contribute to the best of our abilities, and allow us to pursue a personal legend on our own terms. Authenticity, mindfulness, and devotion help us to embrace the careful balance between making it happen and letting it happen.
The Difference Between Wanting And Having To Work
This distinction is rooted in the balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and your company’s culture will dictate how your employees feel about coming to work.
Wells Fargo plans to lend $100 billion to small businesses by 2018
“There is absolutely no substitute for passion and authenticity,” Hoque said in summation of his remarks, telling future and current small business owners that being true to themselves and passionate about their ideas are ultimately what will lead them to success in the long run.
Adapt Or Die: Your Business’s Only Options In An Evolving Economy
With a little forethought, leaders can create organizations that are agile, resilient, and consequently better equipped to experience sustained success.
5 Classic Books That Have Inspired Innovative Thinking Throughout Time
“Innovation”, “mindfulness”, and “creativity” are terms we hear a lot these days, but where did they come from? These five books helped shape generations of thinkers, and their lessons still apply today.
Review of “Everything Connects” on IEDP Developing Leaders Magazine
The connections that the authors allude to here are more profound than the just those between people and organizations – they are also about how one’s actions are intricately and inevitably related to one’s experiences and state of mind.
How to Increase the Odds of Success for Venture-Backed Companies
An operating blueprint allows principals and a management team to work together based on converged intelligence of market opportunities, execution capabilities and business model differentiations.
Why Are Some People More Creative Than Others?
The short answer is, it’s complicated. But there are some tangible traits that separate a bank teller from an artist.